I like to write as well…

Hello whomever you are.  My name is Timothy, I am 32 years old.  As far as worldly things to brag about, I have none.  This is not because I lack the ability or intelligence to earn the money necessary to purchase such things, it is because I spent it on more important things. Things like heroin and cocaine. Things like crack and booze, like countless amounts of pills and weed,  like Newports and fresh sneakers.  To you, the prior statement couldn’t sound anymore ridiculous, especially coming from someone who has an 8 year old son. However, I can assure you, that if I didn’t do what I did I would probably be dead or in a mental health facility (both of which I have experience with.)

I don’t know why I’m doing this. I have always searched for creative outlets , and writing has always been present in my life. It’s just I feel the visual art I produce is easier to share. So all of the half filled (if that) books I scribbled my thoughts in, are probably buried in a landfill right now.  At least if I ever want to go back and read what I wrote, or allow someone else to do so, I can by doing this.

So, let the mother fucking games begin…..