Pure as water, like a newborn daughter…

Everyone walking this planet has a gift. My belief is that each one of our gifts have been divinely given to us. You may be skilled in working with people directly. Your neighbor may be gifted with the ability to build houses. Your little cousin Ricky might be an amazing soccer player. I think we all possess the ability to do something more effectively or better than the average person.

Then there’s some people that are gifted in more than one area of life…and they are gifted at such a level that even a non-believer who sees them wonders how that person can pull off what they do. They can clearly see there is something bigger working in or for that person.

That’s my wife. She is gifted with many things, but I am going to focus on one for now.

My wife has an ability that is God given and God gifted. She has something that is scarce in my experience. She carries a love for her children that I don’t see all the time. It’s natural. It’s pure. It is absolutely beautiful. It’s a clear demonstration of what a God reliant woman can offer the world. I knew this about her for years prior to Sunday. In fact, seeing the way she loves our kids was one of the biggest catalysts for me being able to love her.

But Sunday God blessed us again and took that love and increased it even more, to a level I don’t have the capacity to put words to. For me personally, since getting sober I have always attributed the love parents can tap into as it relates to their newborn children as the purest form of love we can feel for each other as humans. Nothing higher. For me, that is the closest manifestation of the love God has for His children that we will touch while walking this planet. I think it’s all there, at least for certain parents. Love takes precedence over pain. Sacrifice beats out ease and convenience. Commitment reaches a level that can not be comprehended. I am prepared to give up my life for my children and I know my wife feels the same way.

I believe that every event, every hardship, every lost relationship, every win, every loss, every moment that I have lived through up until Sunday morning at 5:16am prepared me for that next moment. I believe I would not have been emotionally, mentally or spiritually ready to fully witness the love that came at 5:17am.

Time stood still for a moment and the only thing present was true love. When I witnessed my wife give birth to our daughter and I saw the emotions in my wife as a result, man… I seriously just don’t have the words.

Find that, please.

It’s available and not just through child birth.

In any case, I know I am failing while typing this. I know I’m not capable of describing the admiration I have for my wife as it relates to her natural gift of mothering our children. Candidly, I am envious of it. I strive to be more like her in that respect. I feel like the birth of our daughter is going to provide me that opportunity in a way that I didn’t latch onto fully with my boys. I certainly can’t love a child more than I love my boys, but I can love our daughter equally. I already do. What I’m saying is, I think having a girl was orchestrated by God. I think meeting my wife was orchestrated by God. The timing in itself was divinely written. I think this was all His plan and I am so happy to be fully present to recognize that. I can look back at my life and see that clearly. It’s absolutely amazing. I have already had my heart softened by my daughter and she’s only a few days old. I fully embrace the rest of the changes God has for me and my family and I’m just so thrilled to share them with you.

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